Monday, February 11, 2008

The scoop on Landyn....

The details:
Landyn William Rubesh was born 1/30/08 a day earlier then planned. I was scheduled to have a c-section at noon on the 31st. I woke up on the 30th with contractions 32 minutes apart for about 2 1/2 hours they then went to 45 mins so I started to relax. At 1pm my contractions went to 20 minutes apart and grew really intense. It went down hill from there. They got to 6-8 minutes apart and Aaron and went to the hospital. That was 4:30. My dr, let me labor until 7:30 when they finally took me in for my section. My contractions at 7:30 were less than 2 minutes apart. So at 7:42pm Landyn was born.

His info:
Landyn William Rubesh
8lbs 2oz
20.5 inches

For all those who have sent emails with congrats and well wishes we appreciate them all! These days there is not much time to spend on the computer writing everyone back so here is the updates:
Landyn is doing great! He is a great eater and a wonderful sleeper. He doesnt fuss much and loves to be held. I am getting a little sleep and luckly my mom is staying with us for a few weeks which allows me to take a few naps during the day.
Gracyn loves her little brother! She is adjusting well and constantly wants to shower him with hugs and kisses. She is getting used to sharing the attention with Landyn and loves to tell people she has a new baby brother!
We are all doing great. I am slowly recovering and everyone is adjusting well. We are truly enjoying this time and are loving every minute of the new adventure