Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Scoop...

It has been over a month since I have updated our blog. A whole lot of everything and nothing has been going on. We have our day to day things that have kept us busy and few little extras.
I am no longer working at Austin's on a regular basis. I pick up a shift now and then for the social aspect of it. The extra money doesn't hurt either. Aaron is busy with work. He has taken this new position on and has gone above and beyond their expectations. He continually leads his team to the top on a monthly basis. Taking first in the company repeatedly. He feels he is learning a ton and is working hard to get to the next level. I love his ambition!
Gracyn just had her third birthday. It is so hard to believe she is growing so fast. She truly is an amazing little girl. She embraces learning and I can not explain what a joy it is to teach her. We have just started to learn how to write. She has started to trace her alphabet and shapes. She knows her numbers and we are learning how to read those as well. Once we get those down we will start learning how to write them. She has lots of fun doing her lessons. She celebrated her birthday with a Diamond Castle Princess party. She asked for several months for the princess' and has not put them down since she opened them. She plans to be one for Halloween. I will post pictures!
Landyn is nine months today! He is crawling all over the place. He pulls himself up on anything and everything and will cruise around if there is something to hold on to. He has just started to dance. Every time music comes on he starts to bounce around. He claps his hands and has just recently started to shake his head "no-no." He laughs all the time and constantly has a smile on his face. He babbles a lot and every now and then will say mama. He weighs about 26 lbs and is about 32 inches long. Not much difference between him and his sister.
We are heading to California in about 2 weeks and we are super excited! Gracyn talks all the time about flying on the airplane. We cant wait to see everyone!! So this is the scoop on our crazy life, it is hectic but we are loving it!