Happy Thanksgiving!
Our thanksgiving was small and pretty uneventful. We spent most of the day baking a turkey, watching television, playing with Gracyn and mostly relaxing. We celebrated Aaron's birthday in the morning with presents and ate turkey in the afternoon until we couldn't hardly move! It was quite cold so there wasn't any playing outside or even opening the windows for fresh air. The snow from Wed. still hasn't melted so that should give you some idea. The winter has literally come overnight so this year there will be no adjusting period. It went from 75 on Tues. to 32 on Wed. Thanksgiving day it didn't quite make it into the the 30's. BRRRRR!!!
News on Baby:
I think the countdown is starting! We have officially started on our two week visits. We had our 28 week appointment on the 21st and our next visit is on the 5th of Dec. The baby is growing great and measuring perfect. Lucky for me (not really) I have continually gained a good amount of weight. Giving the baby plenty of nutrients (or sweets whatever the craving.) The kicks are getting stronger and they are still consistent. I know for a fact that it loves when I eat and thinks bedtime is the perfect time for acrobats! We are going for a tour of the hospital on the 9th of Dec. So I am looking forward to seeing how things are done here and what to expect on the big day! Which is coming oh so quickly!!
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