Thursday, November 1, 2007


So last night was a night like any other. We didn't have any trick or treater's so it was pretty normal. Gracy went to bed a few minutes late because Aaron didn't get home from St. Louis until close to her bed time so she spent a few extra minutes with him. Then we put on her jammie's, brushed her teeth, read a book, said her prayers, and it was off to bed.
Aaron and I went back to the living room to watch television and Gracy (as she has been doing for the last ten days or so) laid in her bed and played with her animals. So at 10 o'clock when we decided to go to bed I did like I do any other night. I turned off the television, the lights, got a glass of water and went in to check on Gracy. To my surprise she was actually asleep before ten tonight. So I covered her up fixed her blankets and went to bed.
2:09 am: My pregnancy bladder kicks in as it always does about this time of night. So as usual I get up, use the restroom and on my way back I always stop by our door to glance at Gracy to see if she needs to be covered up or just how she is sleeping. But tonight was different. As I got closer to the door I realized I didn't quite open her door enough when I went to bed because I couldn't see her. So I started to walk into the living room and as I got closer to her room I realized she was not in her bed. Panic! I thought maybe she had fallen on the floor and just gone back to sleep because her blanket was on the floor along with a few of her animals. But as I got completely in her room (and fully awake) I realize she wasn't there. Not in her bed, not on the floor, not in the glider chair. NOWHERE! FULL BLOWN PANIC! I race through the house, check the dogs room, the bath room, everywhere! I head back into my room, maybe she has crawled into bed with Aaron and I just didn't hear her. Not there!
"Aaron I can't find Gracy!" no response! Is he nuts get up and panic with me our daughter is missing and we don't live in a mansion why can I not find her?!?! "AARON I CANT FIND GRACYN, SHE'S NOT IN HER BED!!!" Maybe the louder I say it the more he will realize I'm not just dreaming here I really cant find her! "Are you serious?!" Is the groggy response I get! "YES!!! I have looked everywhere I cant find her!" I'm almost in tears here, but the panic was so great that I don't think my tear ducts were functioning.
Finally he gets out of bed and runs into her room. There aren't many places she can be and only one that she can be out of site. So we look behind the bed and nothing. I start to yell for her! "Gracyn....Gracyn....GRACYN!!!" All of a sudden Aaron says "She's here!" "Where?" Knowing I've looked everywhere!
"Under the bed!" He says with much confusion. She starts to scoot out from under the bed and Aaron picks her up and tucks her back in. "Mommy I want a drink of water." My tear ducts started to work! I wanted to tell her she could have the world if she would just not scare me like that again! After her drink she fell right back to sleep like nothing had happen.
As we laid back in bed I started to calm down and realized I was sick to my stomach. Aaron says "I knew she was here, I cant breathe wrong without waking you up so I knew she was here somewhere!" As true as that may be who would have really thought she would fit under her bed and well enough to fall asleep! Needless to say it wasn't that easy for Aaron and I to go back to sleep.
This morning as I sit here and think about it, it really just makes me say "What in the world?!" Except now I can laugh too!